Access to Scarborough Cemetery may be limited late Jan – Apr due to works Read more.

Our Site Rules

The conditions below apply to people visiting our gardens and cemeteries.

You must not do any of the following:

  1. Damage, deface, interfere with, alter or remove any monument, memorial, foundation, vault, table, headstone, gravestone, kerbing, rail or other structure from a cemetery without Council’s written permission.
  2. Disturb or interrupt any service, procession, cortege, gathering, meeting or assembly.
  3. Bury, inter or exhume any human remains, whether cremated or not, without Council's permission.
  4. Enter or remain at our cemeteries or Memorial Gardens between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
  5. Cause or allow an animal that is NOT under a responsible person’s control or restraint, to enter or remain in the cemetery or Memorial Gardens. This does not prevent a person from being accompanied by an accredited assistance dog.
  6. Take part in any gathering, meeting, or assembly, except for the purpose of a religious, research, historical, educational or other ceremony or burial or commemoration.
  7. Place fresh flowers unless in approved vases (unbreakable containers). A maximum of two vases are allowed per site. Excessive arrangements or wilted arrangements will be removed.
  8. Place artificial flowers unless in Council-approved vases in the approved area of the plot. Arrangements must be replaced when faded, weathered or otherwise degraded.
  9. Place ceramic or glass objects that are fragile or breakable.
  10. Place metal objects, or any other objects that are likely to cause a risk to the health or safety of visitors or workers at the cemetery or Memorial Gardens.
  11. Build or install any monument, memorial, foundation, headstone, gravestone, kerbing, railing, pebbles, matting or other structure on a burial plot or plots, unless it is of a material and design carried out to a standard of workmanship approved by the Operations Manager, through the appropriate approval process.
  12. Carry out any adornment including large ornaments and candle holders on a burial plot or plots unless approved by the Cemetery Coordinator and made or installed to a standard of workmanship approved by the Cemetery Coordinator.
  13. Place or install any item (including pot plants, flower holders or live plants) that extends beyond the constructed headstone, monument or niche, including on grassed or landscaped areas both within burial plots and in general areas.
  14. Glue or permanently attach items to garden wall sites, lawn cemetery concrete beams or any monumental structure.
  15. Use a hose for the washing of monuments.
  16. Erase, correct, or require the erasure or correction of, wording of any inscription without Council’s written consent, or in any way other than what has been approved by Council.
  17. Engage in trade or commerce.
  18. Distribute any circular, advertisement, paper or other printed, drawn, written or photographic matter, other than a funeral booklet or order of service.
  19. Drive a vehicle, or ride a horse, except on a road provided for that purpose.
  20. Park a motor vehicle on any known burial place, verge or plantation, or in a manner that is likely to impede traffic or detract from the sanctity of the cemetery or Memorial Gardens.
  21. Camp or reside on any land in the cemetery or Memorial Gardens.
  22. Possess or consume alcohol or intoxicating beverage or substance, unless undertaken responsibly as part of a commemoration.
  23. Remove any dead timber, logs, trees, or vegetation, whether standing or fallen.
  24. Create a rockery or pebble garden without specific permission from Council.
  25. Plant any tree, shrub or other herbage or plant in any place unless written permission has been given by Council.
  26. Kill, capture, or in any way interfere with any animal, bird or other fauna, whether native or introduced.
  27. Bring into or leave any rubbish, refuse, scrap metal, rock, soil, sand, stone or other such substance in the cemetery or Memorial Gardens.

We may ask a person to leave, or remove anyone trespassing or causing annoyance, interference or nuisance, or otherwise committing a breach of these regulations.

Council may take action in response to anyone not following the rules above. This includes removing items that are considered not appropriate, hazardous or against our regulations.

We will try to work with families where we can, and will make every effort to contact the Interment Right Holder or their representative before taking action, but in some cases we may need to act without notice.

When making decisions about any actions to be taken, the safety of our sites and visitors will be our priority.

Please contact us if you have any questions about these rules.